ePetition details

Northmead Junior School Entrance Road Safety

We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to repaint the zigzag lines outside the school entrance, introduce double yellow lines on the section of Grange Road by the school entrance and erect a flashing school warning sign (as found outside most schools).

Both staff and parents are concerned for the safety of pupils at school start and finish times. This is a very busy section of road at peak times. The road is narrow and the pavements are narrow. A lot of cars are legitimately parked in the area already, but others park illegitimately or dangerously, some even pull up on the pavements and leave their engines running as children are trying to walk along. The lack of an employed School Crossing Patrol officer in the last year has worsened the situation. We sincerely hope that it will not take an injured child to move the Council to take action.

Started by: Katy Debbarma

This ePetition runs from 14/01/2025 to 14/04/2025.

192 people have signed this ePetition.