The decision is to approve the basis of distribution of Homes for Ukraine education and childcare grant, which is allocated to the local authority to distribute to schools or spend centrally on services to support children admitted under the Homes for Ukraine scheme. It can be used for no other purpose. The grant allocated so far is £6.2m but the final sum will depend on the total number of Ukrainian children arriving under the scheme by February 2023 and is expected to be higher.
Cabinet resolved on 20 December:
That authority be delegated to the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Executive Director of Children, Families and Lifelong Learning, the Executive Director of Resources and the Cabinet Member for Education and Learning to determine the mechanism for funding schools and the use of the proposed contingency from the DfE Homes for Ukraine (H4U) Education and Childcare grant.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/08/2022
Decision due: 20 Dec 2022 by Cabinet
Decision due: 6 Jan 2023 by Assistant Director for Education
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources
Lead director:
Contact: Anna D'Alessandro, Interim Section 151 Officer and Director - Corporate Finance and Commercial Email: Tel: 02085417246.