Issue details

Changes To The Governance And Operation Of The Basingstoke Canal Association

It is recommended that the Leader of the Council:

  1. Approves the changes in governance and operation of the Basingstoke Canal Authority (BCA)  as detailed within the supporting report.
  2. Approves the removal of the BCA’s Joint management Committee from Surrey County Council’s constitution.
  3. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Infrastructure and Growth, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services, to agree and enter into the necessary Memorandums of Understanding, Agreements and arrangements with partners, in order to deliver the updated governance.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/02/2024

Decision due: 26 Mar 2024 by Leader Decisions

Lead member: Tim Oliver OBE, Leader of the Council

Lead director: Executive Director Environment, Infrastructure and Growth

Contact: Katie McDonald, Group Manager Natural Capital Tel: 07968 832455.


The Joint Management Committee was consulted in November 2023. This includes relevant local and county members for the canal and those with a local interest including the Basingstoke Canal Society. An engagement period with all funding partners and the JMC was run between November and the end of January. This report will provide an update on feedback and implementation of the changes.