Decision details

Amendment to Waste Contract to deliver the Waste Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To review the results of the Value for Money and affordability analysis for the Eco Park and determine how to proceed with the waste contract


Part 2


1.         That all the necessary preconditions identified in the Cabinet report of 23 July 2013, as outlined in paragraphs 3 - 34 of the submitted report, have now been met.


2.         That the assessment of the Director of Finance is that the cost of proceeding with the Waste Strategy, including the Eco Park, meets the value for money criterion and is the most affordable option available to the council.


3.         That the council proceeds to issue the second Notice To Proceed (NTP2) in accordance with the contractual processes approved by Cabinet on 30 October 2013.


4.         That the corporate revenue budget refresh in July 2015 will take into account the budgetary effect of delivering the Waste Strategy, including the Eco Park.


5.         That the Strategic Director of Environment and Infrastructure puts in place the governance arrangements described in Annex 2 of the submitted report, and provides quarterly reports to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning and reports to Cabinet at key milestones by agreement between the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning and the Leader of the Council.

Reasons for Decisions:


To authorise development of the Eco Park, an essential part of the Waste Strategy and a priority for the council.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


Report author: Ian Boast

Publication date: 29/04/2015

Date of decision: 28/04/2015

Decided at meeting: 28/04/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 08/05/2015

Accompanying Documents: