Decision details

To Determine a Proposal to make a Significant Change to Three Schools in Ewell

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement Decisions

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To determine the proposal for Ewell Grove Infant School, West Ewell Infant School and Danetree Junior School to become ‘all through’ primary schools admitting pupils from 4  to 11 years of age


Taking into account the perceived educational benefits, the area pupil place planning forecast and all consultation responses that:


1.      West Ewell Infant and Nursery School changes to become a two form entry (2 FE) primary school with a nursery in September 2017.

2.      Ewell Grove Infant and Nursery School changes to become a 2 FE primary school with a nursery in September 2017

(NB. As Danetree is an academy its Governing Body and the GLF Trust have already determined that it will convert to primary status subject to approval by Surrey County Council that the two infant schools will become primaries. Once Surrey County Council has determined this proposal GLF will submit its Business Case to the Secretary of State for Education to seek similar approval through the Fast Track process for making a Significant Change to an academy).

3.    If the changes at all three schools are approved, Surrey County Council (SCC) undertakes building and refurbishment programmes on each school site to ensure the required accommodation is provided.


Report author: Melanie Harris

Publication date: 28/07/2015

Date of decision: 28/07/2015

Decided at meeting: 28/07/2015 - Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement Decisions

Effective from: 06/08/2015

Accompanying Documents: