Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience asked the Cabinet to authorise the acquisition of the freehold interest of premises in Alfold, Cranleigh, for potential future service delivery improvements.
1. That the acquisition of the freehold interest of Lindon Farm, Rosemary Lane, Alfold, Cranleigh, for potential future service needs, be approved.
2. That the freehold interest of the property be purchased for a maximum acquisition cost not exceeding the sum set out in the submitted report, including ancillary costs of purchase (stamp duty legal and surveyors costs).
Reasons for Decisions:
A time-limited opportunity has arisen for Surrey County Council (SCC) to purchase the freehold interest in Lindon Farm in Alfold, near Cranleigh. The purchase provides a site for a comprehensive refurbishment and development opportunity, providing an expected ten bed autism supported living service with in-house live in provision for care workers.
The creation of this service would address an urgent need for a provision within Surrey for individuals with complex autism who need accommodation with significant outdoor space. The acquisition of the site therefore aligns with the Council’s strategy to support individuals with disabilities by maximising their independence and enabling them to be part of the local community.
The building is being disposed of by a private individual in three separate lots, comprising the main farm house with gardens and two piggeries. The vendor has secured a planning consent for residential use for all three plots. The Purchaser report prepared, and attached as Annex 2 to the submitted report, concludes that there are no reasons why the site would not be suitable for a supported living service.
Report author: Peter Hopkins
Publication date: 29/07/2015
Date of decision: 29/07/2015
Decided at meeting: 29/07/2015 - Cabinet
Effective from: 07/08/2015