Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve a public consultation about proposed changes to Surrey’s externally commissioned young people’s early help offer
That an immediate eight-week public consultation, involving young people who use services, families, providers and partners, about proposals to change Surrey’s externally commissioned young people’s early help services be approved.
Reasons for Decisions:
This is recommended so that:
i. The Council fulfils its duty to consult about proposed changes to services, through a proportionate eight-week consultation period now, given the urgent need to realise savings during 2017/18 and allowing three-months of notice to current providers about any changes to services;
ii. Young people, families, providers and partners who are affected by proposed changes have an opportunity to share their views about the proposed options and possible alternatives;
iii. Appropriate action can be taken, as far as is reasonably possible, to mitigate the impact of any changes on providers, young people, families and communities; and
iv. Cabinet is supported to make a fully informed decision about proposed changes to current grants and contracts.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview Board or the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]
Report author: Frank Offer
Publication date: 01/03/2017
Date of decision: 28/02/2017
Decided at meeting: 28/02/2017 - Cabinet
Effective from: 09/03/2017
Accompanying Documents: