Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the award of a contract for provision of extra care services and home based care support in extra care scheme at Beechwood Court.
The award will support the Council’s vision for Extra Care Housing which is to offer residents support within modern, purpose-built facilities that help older people retain their independence in the community while offering flexible and responsive care and support arrangements to meet their needs, enhance quality of life and improve outcomes.
1. That the award of the contract for the provision of Extra Care support at Brockhill Sheltered Housing Scheme (Home Based Care services in an Extra Care setting) to A2 Dominion Housing Group Limited, starting from 1 June 2018 for a period of three years with an option to extend on an annual basis for two periods of up to two years for each period be approved.
2. That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, for the approval of the award of contracts at Mitchison Court and Beechwood Court.
Reasons for decisions:
The contract awards will support the Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy in Surrey. They will deliver services to residents who are eligible for accommodation in Extra Care schemes, thereby retaining their independence in the community while offering flexible and responsive care and support arrangements to meet their needs, enhance quality of life and improve outcomes.
A summary of the current expiry dates for the existing operational Extra Care schemes and new contract start dates are as follows:
· Brockhill Sheltered Housing Scheme (Woking) contract expires on the 31 May 2018. The new contract will commence on the 1 June 2018.
· Mitchison Court Scheme (Spelthorne) contract expires on the 2 September 2018. The new contract will commence on the 3 September 2018.
· Beechwood Court Scheme (Spelthorne) contract expires on the 2 September 2018. The new contract will commence on 3 September 2018.
All tenders have been conducted under the Light Touch Regime in compliance with the requirement of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders and very similar approaches, evaluation methodologies and commissioning models have been applied to each scheme.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]
Report author: Sara Walton
Publication date: 27/03/2018
Date of decision: 27/03/2018
Decided at meeting: 27/03/2018 - Cabinet
Effective from: 07/04/2018
Accompanying Documents: