Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The current Waste PFI contract with Suez provides for the treatment and disposal of all local authority collected waste arising within the county. This contract expires in September 2024, and Surrey County Council (SCC) needs to commission new service arrangements. The desired outcomes from the Waste Commissioning Strategy will shape those new arrangements.
It is recommended that Cabinet approves the development of a Waste Commissioning Strategy, proposed outcomes, programme, and review of the variable elements of the funding mechanism for the Surrey Environment Partnership and Waste Collection Authorities.
1. That the development of a Waste Commissioning Strategy be approved;
2. That the proposed outcomes for the Waste Commissioning Strategy be approved, to:
a) Meet Surrey County Council’s Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) statutory duties.
b) Maximise the financial sustainability of waste management in Surrey.
c) Reduce the carbon impact of waste collection and disposal.
d) Maximise the integration of waste management in the county.
3. That the programme proposed for the development of the strategy and re-procurement of the waste disposal contract be approved; and
4. That the review of the variable elements of the funding mechanism through which the county council funds the Surrey Environment Partnership and the Waste Collection Authorities, within this programme, be approved.
Reason for decision:
The development of a Waste Commissioning Strategy as set out will enable the Council to fulfil its statutory obligations as a Waste Disposal Authority more effectively and will set a framework in which to work with partners and districts and boroughs in achieving a more efficient and financially sustainable approach to the management of waste in the county. Further, it will enable the Council to properly assess and identify ways of achieving the carbon reduction targets set out in the Council’s recently adopted Climate Change Strategy.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Report author: Richard Parkinson
Publication date: 24/06/2020
Date of decision: 23/06/2020
Decided at meeting: 23/06/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 02/07/2020
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