Decision details

Salfords Fire Station and Secondary Control Facility

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To request the approval to acquire two industrial units to provide accommodation for a new fire station and a secondary control facility


Secondly, to request the approval to utilise the SFRS rationalisation programme capital budget to fund this


Part 2


The Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes presented this report and said that he was delighted that two freehold units were available, which could be utilised for a new fire station and a secondary control facility, at the iO centre in Salfords.


The Cabinet Associate for Fire and Police Services said that local residents were supportive of the proposals for a new fire station in Salfords and requested that this decision was publicised.




1.         That the freehold acquisition of units 14/15 iO Centre, Salfords, Surrey be approved, at a cost set out in the submitted report.

2.         That the requirement for a fit out of the premises in relation to the fire station be noted and once these costs have been confirmed, a further report be presented in accordance with recommendation (4).


3.         That the requirement for a fit out of the premises in relation to the secondary control facility be noted and once these costs have been confirmed, a further report be presented in accordance with recommendation (4).

4.       That the approval of the fit out costs of the units in relation to their use as a Fire Station and Secondary Control Room be delegated to the Strategic Director of Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Leader, the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes and the Cabinet Member for Community Services.


5.       That the Service will seek to develop plans for alternative savings (£0.9m) which are then reflected in the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (2013-18) taking place in quarter 1 2013/14.


Reason for Decisions

To allow Surrey Fire & Rescue Service to provide fire cover in the area and improve efficiency and operational response of cover.


Report author: Russell Pearson

Publication date: 25/06/2013

Date of decision: 25/06/2013

Decided at meeting: 25/06/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/07/2013

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