Decision details

Response to the English Devolution White Paper

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




That the Cabinet:


1.    Agreed that the Leader should respond to the Government as outlined in the letter set out in Annex 2, as amended below:


“A postponement of the county elections will also allow time to give consideration in any business case to how we can best manage the unique, significant financial risk of the level of debt currently held across the Surrey local government footprint. Any proposals for local government reorganisation will need to adequately consider how to ensure the sustainable operation of any new authority/ies in the absence of exceptional financial support from Government or a level of write off and we will request the government to write off those debts.”


Reasons for decisions:


The English Devolution White Paper presents an important opportunity for Surrey

County Council to bring more expansive and flexible devolved powers and funding

into the county for the benefit of residents. As such it is recommended that Cabinet

agrees to respond to the Minister’s letter (Annex 1) requesting the postponement of

the 2025 County Council elections to allow the Surrey County Council Leader time to work with district and borough Leaders to develop a proposal for local government reform that will unlock the benefits of further devolution for Surrey.


The function of deciding whether and how to respond to the Minister’s letter of 16

December 2024 is an executive function as set out in the Constitution under Responsibility for Executive Functions (Part 3), the Cabinet has the power to provide formal response to any Government White Paper “…likely to lead to policy changes

or have impact upon service not otherwise delegated to officers” (Scheme of

Delegation 8.2 (L)).


(In accordance with Standing Order 56.1 (Special Urgency), the Chairman of the Resources and Performance Select Committee has agreed that the decisions on this item cannot reasonably be deferred and therefore it is not subject to call in.)

Publication date: 09/01/2025

Date of decision: 08/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 08/01/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: