Decision details

Woking Priority Homes

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The County Council owns land south of Woking known as the Westfield Smallholding Estate. The County Council had received a request from Woking Borough Council to enter into discussions to make available part of the Estate in order to implement a PFI Project, known as Woking Priority Homes, which will create a significant number of affordable homes.




That the commitment to working with Woking Borough Council to deliver the Woking Priority Homes Project by entering into legal agreements that will commit the County Council to sell land at Moor Lane, Woking at a sum that accords with its statutory requirement under S123 Local Government Act 1972, subject to final approval by the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency in consultation with the Leader, be confirmed.


Reason for Decisions


To achieve a sale of land in support of the County Councils Medium Term Financial Plan and provide support to Woking Borough Council’s Woking Priority Homes Project.

Report author: Steve Evans

Publication date: 24/10/2012

Date of decision: 23/10/2012

Decided at meeting: 23/10/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/11/2012

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