Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The proposed Merstham Community Hub (The Hub) will be a new multi functional Surrey County Council (SCC) owned building which will house a library, youth centre, community space, and public cafe on the Triangle site in Portland Drive, Merstham.
In December 2013 Cabinet approved the inclusion of a replacement Services for Young People youth facility within the Hub and approved a total capital allocation of £2.3m in respect of SCC’s contribution towards delivering the Community Hub.
The submitted report contained the financial and value for money implications relating to this project.
1. That the increase in the capital expenditure allocation as set out in the submitted report be approved.
2. That the acquisition by SCC of the freehold interest in the Merstham Triangle site from Raven Housing Trust Ltd, as proposed in the Memorandum of Understanding between SCC, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, and Raven Housing Trust be approved.
3. That, following SCC’s acquisition of the Merstham Triangle site from Raven, SCC grants a back to back lease of the area required as set out in the submitted report.
4. That RBBC be provided with a ‘client construction risk’ indemnity against future unforeseen risks arising from the construction of the SCC owned Community Hub element of the scheme.
Reasons for Decisions:
The proposal will provide a new community hub that provides local residents with excellent facilities which will enhance their lives and help to regenerate this area of the Merstham estate. This scheme will provide a well designed, sustainable, low energy community building for a wide range of users within easy reach of their homes. The proposals would distinctly enhance the quality of the facilities in the local area.
The proposal enables the Diocese of Southwark to contractually commit to transfer the Battlebridge Lane site (once confirmed that the existing Merstham Library site can be relocated into the new Community Hub).
Report author: John Stebbings
Publication date: 16/12/2014
Date of decision: 16/12/2014
Decided at meeting: 16/12/2014 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/12/2014