Decision details

Managing Surrey's Waste: Progress and Next Steps

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Following the Cabinet decision to amend the Waste Contract to deliver an updated Waste Strategy on 30 October 2013, and the update to Cabinet on 24 June 2014,

Cabinet to:

·      Receive a further update on progress with the delivery of the council’s waste strategy including development of the Eco Park

·      Note any material changes to the risks and assumptions set out in the report of 24 June

·      Agree next steps.


1.       That a further report on the Eco Park be brought back to the Cabinet in February 2015 with an updated value for money and affordability assessment.


2.       That the need to reduce costs at Community Recycling Centres, by rationalising the service offering be endorsed and that officers be requested to provide a detailed proposal in February 2015.


3.       That the proposal to develop a new model of working with district and borough councils to deliver waste services across Surrey be supported.


Reasons for Decisions:


Changes in Surrey County Council’s (SCC) approach to managing Surrey’s waste, including joint working arrangements between the Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) and Waste Collection Authorities (WCA) have the potential to make savings which will help address a funding gap that arises from increasing costs and reducing funding, in addition to contributing to other savings that will be required across SCC in the coming years.


Changes to the management of Community Recycling Centres will optimise their use and has the potential to deliver further savings.  


The Cabinet previously requested that in the event that all necessary consents to develop the Eco Park were not secured by 1 November 2014, it should receive a further report. In view of the continued delay it would be appropriate to report again when the position is clear.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]

Report author: Ian Boast

Publication date: 26/11/2014

Date of decision: 25/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 25/11/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/12/2014

Accompanying Documents: