Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet at its meeting of 25 September 2012 agreed that the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency, having ensured formal agreement in writing with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency, the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes and the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning and the S151 officer, authorise the award of future schools capital construction contracts, above £500k in value, where a mini-competition procedure has been followed under a Framework Agreement previously approved by Cabinet. It was agreed that this authorisation would be formally minuted and the S151 Officer would retain the paperwork.
In response to an increasing demand for school places across Surrey the Council has established, in its Medium Term Financial Plan 2012-2017, a Capital Programme to fund the provision of additional places in a number of schools. Phased implementation of the Construction works for five primary schools projects is in progress. In this instance the Strategic Director is requested to consider awarding contracts to the recommended tenderers for the Burhill Community School project in Hersham.
Additional school places are needed by September 2014 to meet an increase in pupil numbers at Burhill. The award of contract will enable construction to commence on programme to enable the completion date to be met.
This record formally confirms that a meeting was held under the above delegated Authority at which the award of the contract for the provision of schools basic needs places at Burhill Community School was approved as recommended in the submitted contract award report.
It was AGREED that following a mini-competition tendering exercise and extensive pre-construction preparation, a contract be awarded for the 2012/13 schools capital construction project at Burhill to the contractor identified in paragraph 7 of the Contract Award report.
To enable the award of a construction project at Burhill Community School resulting in increased basic needs provision for children in accordance with the council's statutory obligations.
The tenders for these contracts have been conducted in accordance with EU Procurement rules under Frameworks previously approved by Cabinet pursuant to the Council’s Procurement Standing Orders. No alternative Options are available for consideration by the Strategic Director.
Publication date: 07/12/2012
Date of decision: 07/12/2012
Effective from: 15/12/2012