Decision details

Runnymede Roundabout Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


RESOLVED (as amended):


1.       That the financial support the Cabinet gave to this scheme in 2014 be re-affirmed.


2.      That the award of the tender for construction works for the Runnymede Roundabout scheme, on the basis set out in the submitted Part 2 report, be approved.

3.       That Cabinet confirms that recommendations 1 and 2 are subject to the provisional Local Government Settlement providing a significant response to the fundamental financial challenges facing the County Council.


4.       That the Leader will decide by Friday 16 December 2016 whether the condition in recommendation 3 has been met, in consultation with Director of Finance and Chief Executive.


Reasons for Decisions:


As detailed in the part 1 report (item 11).


There is demonstrable public benefit to these proposals and strong value for money arguments. Nevertheless the County Council is facing unprecedented financial pressures therefore it would not be sensible to agree to additional expenditure without understanding the implications of the provisional local government settlement.


Report author: Paul Fishwick

Publication date: 13/12/2016

Date of decision: 13/12/2016

Decided at meeting: 13/12/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 21/12/2016

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