Decision details

Approval to award contracts for the provision of Mental Health Services in Surrey - Community Connections

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval from Cabinet to award contract(s) for the Community Connections Services.

Community Connections are Mental Health Services which are open access services to support people with mental health needs to recover and stay well in their communities. This service will be delivered in five geographical locations.

The contract(s) will be awarded for a 3 year period with the potential to extend for a further 2 years.

The intention is to award to the organisation(s) evaluated to be the most suitable while offering value for money to the Council through a competitive procurement process. 





1.    The background information set out in the submitted report be noted.

2.    The award of five localised contracts for three years from 1 April 2017, with an option to extend for two periods of one year each for Community Connections services in Surrey be approved.

Reasons for Decisions:


The current agreements will expire on 31 March 2017. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders, has been completed and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.


Community Connections services will be delivered in Surrey from local bases. The recommended providers have committed to be proactive in providing apprenticeships and volunteering opportunities to Surrey residents whilst delivering efficiencies for the Council.


[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview Board or the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]

Report author: Nicola Sinnett

Publication date: 01/02/2017

Date of decision: 31/01/2017

Decided at meeting: 31/01/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 09/02/2017

Accompanying Documents: