Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That the Local Committee [Elmbridge] agreed to:


i      Re-allocated £25,000 from the parking surplus, which had previously been specifically allocated to cycling related projects, to develop ITS schemes relating to any mode of transport;

ii      Approve the proposed LSR programme for next Financial Year 2020-21 described in paragraph 2.2.2 and Table 5;

iii     Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Members, to amend the 2020-21 capital LSR programme as appropriate when the 2020-21 budgets have been confirmed;

iv     Authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for a NO ENTRY restriction at the bus gate leading from Burwood Road into Pleasant Place, and for any objections to be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Divisional Member;

v     Authorise the Area Highway Manager to apply to Elmbridge Borough Council for CIL funding to construct a new cycle route along Grotto Road between Oatlands Drive and Marlborough Drive, Weybridge, subject to consultation with local members and Elmbridge Borough Council;

vi     Authorise the Area Highway Manager to apply to Elmbridge Borough Council for CIL funding to construct a new road safety scheme in Ember Lane, Esher / Thames Ditton, subject to consultation with local members and Surrey Police;

vii    Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Reasons:  Recommendations are made to facilitate development of Committee’s 2020-21 Highways programmes, while at the same time ensuring that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Members are fully and appropriately involved in any detailed considerations.


The bus gate leading from Burwood Road into Pleasant Place is not well respected; it is hoped that compliance may be improved by providing a simple NO ENTRY sign.


The feasibility studies for two schemes have now been completed.  These schemes are now ready for CIL applications, subject to consultation with local members and other interested parties.


Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver its programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole.

Publication date: 06/12/2019

Date of decision: 05/12/2019

Decided at meeting: 05/12/2019 - Elmbridge Local Committee

Effective from: 14/12/2019

Accompanying Documents: