Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Education
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The decision is to approve final hourly funding rates paid in 2022/23 to providers of the funded early entitlement for two, three and four year olds under the early years funding formula. These rates must be notified to providers by 31 March 2022. These hourly rates could not be agreed at the date of the Cabinet report because at that point insufficient data on take up of the funded early entitlement was available to determine affordability
Decision made:
It was AGREED that the proposed formula funding rates should be approved for submission to DfE, in line with the DfE’s national funding formula (there are small local variations in lump sum and basic entitlement rates, in order to protect small schools, and a 3.87% ceiling on per pupil gains to ensure affordability).
Reasons for Decision:
To comply with legislation. The proposed funding rates are consistent with the recommendations of Cabinet and of the Schools Forum on 7 October 2021 and 14 January 2022 and will assist in the smooth transition to NFF for Surrey schools.
Publication date: 26/01/2022
Date of decision: 21/01/2022
Accompanying Documents: