Decision details


Decision Maker: Mole Valley Local Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Declarations of Interest: None

Officer attending: Zena Curry, Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager, SCC

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: Seven written public questions were received before the deadline. The full wording of the questions and officer

responses were included within the supplementary agenda pack.


Key points from discussion:

Question one. John Moyer did not attend the meeting. Julia Dickinson attended and asked about making cycling schemes on the High Street one way.


The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that the needs of the various users of the High Street have to be balanced. At the moment it is one way so cyclists have to dismount and walk as a pedestrian to come down the High Street to the feature at the bottom. There have been some concerns from pedestrians about the interaction between pedestrians and cyclists. It has been looked at but it is not possible to make it work with the constraints of the width of the High Street that is available once it has been used for tables and chairs. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that this can be looked at again as part of the Mole Valley Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) but it is unlikely due to the constraints.

Question three. Cllr Hall confirmed that Waterway Road possible future cycling and pedestrian improvements is still on the Integrated Transport List of Schemes (ITS) and is being promoted by himself and Fetcham Residents Association. Officers will be passing on the suggestions to the LCWIP project team.


Question five. District Councillor Elizabeth Daly asked how much signs would cost as already have speed data. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that changing a speed limit from 20 to 30 has to meet policy and outlined the process. Subject to the approval of the local county councillor this could be added to the Integrated Transport List of Schemes (ITS) for potential future development and funding.

Question six. District Councillor Elizabeth Daly asked isn’t flooding of properties such as those in Proctor Gardens and the sewage discharge running into rivers also a concern that Surrey County Council should be prioritising. Cllr Curran added that she didn’t believe the properties in Proctor Gardens had been flooded by the surface water on the road though this can affect the driveways.

It was confirmed by District Councillor Elizabeth Daly and Cllr Curran that flooding was reported to Surrey County Council and work has been done on drainage gulleys. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that no amount of highway drainage works will stop the surface water that forms in times of heavy rain. Colleagues in the Strategic Flooding Team are aware of the surface water risk and should the priorities change they will do more work and work is currently being planned on one of the soakaways.

Question seven. Monica Weller attended and asked how much it would cost Surrey County Council to start getting the active travel message across. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager said the Active Travel Behavioural Change Officer is working on ways to engage with communities on the way we travel and part of transformation of transportation across Surrey changing the hierarchy so that pedestrians and cyclists have a higher priority in certain types of roads. District Councillor Paul Kennedy asked if the draft proposals of the Mole Valley Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) would come to the Local Committee. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that the Mole Valley Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) isn’t funded from the delegated budget of the Mole Valley Local Committee so the decision would not come to this committee. There is broad base of engagement including members, resident groups, individuals by market research led or through a system called commonplace where information can be put. If District Councillor Paul Kennedy has information the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager is happy to pass it on.



Publication date: 01/02/2022

Date of decision: 20/01/2022

Decided at meeting: 20/01/2022 - Mole Valley Local Committee

Accompanying Documents: