Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Under delegation agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 27 March 2012, the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency, having ensured formal agreement in writing with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes, to authorise the award of a contract for the provision of modular classrooms in order to provide additional pupil places for September 2013.
It was AGREED that following a mini-competition tendering exercise, a contract be awarded for the 2013 Modular Classrooms project to the contractor identified in confidential Appendix 1 of the Contract Award report.
To enable the award of contract for supply of modular classrooms resulting in increased basic needs provision for children in accordance with the council's statutory obligations.
The tenders for these contracts have been conducted in accordance with EU Procurement rules under Frameworks previously approved by Cabinet pursuant to the Council’s Procurement Standing Orders. No alternative Options are available for consideration by the Strategic Director.
Publication date: 08/04/2013
Date of decision: 08/04/2013
Effective from: 16/04/2013