Decision details

River Thames Scheme: Collaboration Agreement With The Environment Agency

Decision Maker: Executive Director Environment, Infrastructure and Growth, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director for Resources, Monitoring Officer

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


·         The Cabinet report dated 20 July 2021 (River Thames Scheme Collaboration Agreement Principles), made the three resolutions as set out above.

·         In January 2021, Cabinet approved a recommendation that SCC should be a joint applicant with the Environment Agency and, in July 2021, agreed the principles of Collaboration.

·         The detailed terms of the First Track Collaboration Agreement (“First Track CA”) are confidential to the Parties and as such are a Part 2 item and contained in Annexe 1

·         The terms of the First Track CA are believed to be in accordance with the principles approved by Cabinet on 20 July 2021.


·         This document is a record of the acknowledgment and approval taken under delegated powers relating to resolution 2 referred to above to enter into the First Track CA.



Decision made:


It was AGREED that:


1.    The Separation of Responsibilities document be acknowledged.


Reasons for the decision:

To make clear the separation of responsibilities between the roles of promoter and regulator in dealing with the River Thames Scheme.


Alternative options considered:

Option 1: Don’t Acknowledge the agreement


No Pros – this option puts SCC under risk of challenge regarding Conflict of Interest


Difficulty for the County Council to be able to demonstrate to the Examining Authority that the authority has kept the Promotor and Host Authority roles separate, and the risk of challenge because of actual or perceived conflict of interest due to inadequate role separation.

River Thames Scheme undermined.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 22/06/2022

Date of decision: 21/06/2022