Decision details

Annual Procurement Forward Plan for the financial year 2021-22

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director for Resources

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Surrey County Council (SCC) has a statutory duty to support disabled children, young people and their families. Personal Support is part of the short breaks offer but is a specialist service and is only available following assessment. 


Personal Support is home-based care, primarily used by SCC’s Children with Disabilities team to provide families with respite care (short break), in accordance with their assessed needs. Personal support may also be used to provide other types of support such as emergency or crisis support and support outside the home for children and young people to access and be included in social and leisure actives in their local communities.


The services provided through the new contract will be available to all of the Children’s Services teams and the procurement value reflects this scope.


The new DPS for Personal Support Services will commence on 1st April 2024 and it will be in place for 3 years, up to 31st March 2027. There is also an available extension of 2 years taking this to 31st March 2029.



It was AGREED that:


1. Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Ltd is awarded the contract for the Limpsfield Grange School Expansion with a Stage One tender sum of £521,379.00 (Refer to Tender Report).

Reasons for the decision:

Morgan Sindall scored the highest in the Quality evaluation and in Pricing (lowest priced tender).


Alternative options considered:

Various options considered in the Procurement Report Options Analysis.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 14/09/2023

Date of decision: 06/09/2023