Decision details

Award of the Stage 2 contract for Philip Southcote Extension

Decision Maker: Executive Director Environment, Infrastructure and Growth

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


SCC is awarding the design and construction element (Stage 2) of the contract to construct a new two storey teaching block, new single storey hydrotherapy pool, and new staff car parking at Philip Southcote School.


Pellings LLP have been working alongside Morgan Sindall to review the designs and final costs for the project. Full cost analysis is provided in the Tender Report.



Decision made:


It was AGREED that:


1. Morgan Sindall is awarded the contract for the Philip Southcote Extension with a Stage Two tender sum of £8,379,394.03(Refer to section 4.9 of the Tender Report).

Reasons for the decision:

Reasons for Decision:


The pricing for this project has beenreviewed by Pellings LLP, and a comprehensive cost analysis has been completed.


Alternative options considered:

Procure Partnerships construction framework


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 03/04/2024

Date of decision: 28/03/2024