Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
That Cabinet agrees the principle of SCC bringing
back the Functions and associated funding to SCC
and to
delegate authority
to the Executive Director for Environment, Property & Growth in
consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director
of Resources and the Director of Law and Governance to take such
actions and decisions as are necessary to facilitate the manner and
mechanisms through which this decision can be most suitably
Reasons for Decisions:
- Surrey County Council (‘SCC’) transferred several of
its activities (“Functions”), to encourage better
recycling, to the JWS team in 2018 through an Inter Authority
Agreement. As part of the process, six full time employees of SCC
staff were TUPE transferred to SHBC to undertake the Functions for
- JWS is the partnership organisation which manages a joint waste
collection contract with Amey on behalf of Surrey Heath, Elmbridge,
Mole Valley and Woking Councils. Surrey Heath Borough Council
(“SHBC”) hosts JWS and provides line management and
back-office functions (e.g. HR).
- The Functions transferred include activities to encourage better
recycling by Surrey residents: communications and website hosting;
data gathering and interpretation; project administration and
governance; processing of some payments; and encouragement of food
waste collections.
- The wider Surrey Environment Partnership (“SEP”)
forum includes all eleven District and Boroughs
(‘D&Bs’) as the Waste Collection Authorities
(“WCA”) for Surrey, and the group comes together with
SCC at a number of meetings over the year. These meetings are part
of the Functions and will be organised by SCC going forward if this
recommendation is approved.
- The current arrangement is no longer felt suitable to meet the
strategic needs of SCC in reducing its exposure to policy changes.
Policy measures will have a disproportionate impact on SCC as the
Waste Disposal Authority (“WDA”) as set out in
paragraph 10 below. To
mitigate these, SCC needs to: engage with the public
(communications, recycling behaviour); have access to data; and to
have financial control on project expenditure.
- SCC clearly supports
the concept of partnership with the D&Bs and would like to see
a closer and more effective relationship with all 11 Councils.
However, SCC feels that as long as the Functions and SEP
administration remains subsumed within JWS (and hosted by Surrey
Heath BC) then the wider strategic needs of the SCC will not be
- The recommendation to SCC members is to relocate the Functions
back into SCC, noting that this could involve the transfer of
affected staff under TUPE transfers and some reorganisation of the
service. Officers believe this would allow JWS to focus on its
needs, and for SCC to mitigate its exposure to potentially very
costly waste policy changes.
decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities,
Environment and Highways Select Committee)
Publication date: 18/12/2024
Date of decision: 17/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 17/12/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/12/2024
Accompanying Documents: