Decision details

Services to Schools and Schools Improvement Contract Extension - Babcock 4S Ltd

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the various possibilities available for School Support Services in Surrey


Part 2 annex


Introducing the part 2 report, in relation to the Babcock 4S Ltd (B4S) contract extension, the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning said that this report contained the financial details which had been fully discussed and reviewed by officers. She also drew attention to the risk, financial and value for money implications, as set out in the report. Cabinet discussed the contract and the reasons for extending it and the Assistant Director for Schools and Learning was invited to address the meeting and clarified some points concerning B4S and its provision of educational support services to Surrey County Council for its schools.




As per Part 1 report - item 14.


Reasons for Decisions:


Education provision has changed considerably since the start of the joint venture agreement, with the greatest changes being in recent years with the roll out of academy schools nationally. As the contract extension will be largely based on the current terms and conditions, this will provide the greatest level of flexibility to respond to the growing academisation of Surrey’s schools.  As the Education Services Grant (ESG) funding reduces with more money being paid direct to academies, there is the continuing need to be able to vary the services covered by the Service Delivery Agreement (SDA) under the B4S contract throughout the extension period.


The associated risk of these reducing services remains with B4S whilst the current contract and the proposed extension remains in place.

Report author: Barry Purdy

Publication date: 23/07/2014

Date of decision: 22/07/2014

Decided at meeting: 22/07/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 31/07/2014

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