Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To report progress made in relation to the relocation of Woking Fire Station under Joint Venture arrangements with Woking Borough Council, as part of the proposed regeneration of Woking Town Centre
The Cabinet agreed in September 2012 that Surrey County Council (SCC) would participate in a Joint Venture Company, Bandstand Square Developments Ltd (BSDL), with Woking Borough Council (WBC) and Moyallen Ltd to regenerate Woking Town Centre. An important element of the project was the provision of a new fire station in Woking.
The Cabinet were requested to approve a payment to BSDL Ltd for improvements to facilities that would be delivered under Phase 1 of the project, and which were required to ensure future resilience and flexibility as determined by the Public Safety Plan.
The Cabinet Member for Business Services confirmed her support for this project.
1. A payment of £2m (in two tranches as set out below) to BSDL Ltd in consideration of improvements in facilities delivered in relation to the new Woking Fire Station, being developed under Phase 1 of the project,over and above the direct replacement of the existing station be approved.
2. The consideration be paid in tranches; for example with the first payment being made upon exchange of the Development Agreement and a second tranche upon effective completion of the new Fire Station in 2016, with the proposed underlying contractual arrangements being subject to appropriate financial and legal due-diligence be approved, in principle.
3. Appropriate contractual and financial arrangements, following completion of the required due-diligence be delegated to the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Section 151 Officer.
Reasons for Decisions:
The proposal to develop an enlarged fire station on Goldsworth Road in Woking will provide a modern facility with enhanced capability and enhanced training facilities and will ensure resilience to the provision of fire fighting capability in the west of the county.
The project as a whole will deliver further regeneration of Woking Town Centre and will improve the long-term viability of the existing retail offer in the town. The development will create additional employment in both the development phase and in the longer term.
The Council’s payment to BSDL recognises that the new fire station delivers substantial betterment compared to the facilities at the existing station and to recognise that the backlog maintenance associated with the existing building can be removed.
Report author: Peter Hall
Publication date: 22/10/2014
Date of decision: 21/10/2014
Decided at meeting: 21/10/2014 - Cabinet
Effective from: 30/10/2014