Decision details

Supply and Distribution of Fresh Produce for Commercial Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve an award for a two year contract for the supply and distribution of fresh produce to the County Council, with the option of a further extension of 12 months following a procurement process


That a contract, for two years with an option to extend for one further year, be awarded to these three suppliers; Cheesman Bros Ltd, AG Axtons and Bidvest 3663, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information, as set out in the submitted Part 2 report.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal supports Commercial Services ability to provide school and civic meals across Surrey and helps Commercial Services to comply with their legal duty, including The Children’s and Families Act 2014, to offer all state-funded schools,  including academies and free schools, a free school lunch to all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 from September 2014.


These three suppliers will provide a good mix between local small and medium sized enterprises (SME) and large scale national providers, all of which have demonstrated the ability to deliver the required produce through a competitive procurement process.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



Report author: Keith Coleman

Publication date: 26/11/2014

Date of decision: 25/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 25/11/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/12/2014

Accompanying Documents: