Decision details

Surrey Fire & Rescue: to approve the continued arrangements for contingency crewing and the provision of special rescue capabilities

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Following the successful pilot, to approve a full extension period, to 30 November 2015, which will enable full consideration of a number of external developments that may change the long term vision and approach for the future service


Surrey Fire and Rescue Authority (SFRA) has a statutory duty to provide fire and rescue services in Surrey in accordance with the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 and business continuity arrangements insofar as is reasonably practicable in accordance with the  Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England 2012.


In order to comply with these duties, following a Cabinet decision on 23 October 2012, SFRA entered into a one-year pilot contract commencing December 2012 with Specialist Group International who provide specialist rescue capability on a day-to-day basis, and contingency crewing as required on a continuous basis. This contract was extended until 31 March 2015. The pilot contract was successful and in June 2014 the Cabinet approved going to the market to procure a 5 year contract.


However, the Cabinet Member for Community Services explained that there were a number of external developments which may change the requirements of the contract, so the Cabinet were now being asked to give approval to allow a further extension to the current contract until 30 November 2015 which is the maximum period of extension provided under the contract in place.




That approval for the contract to be utilised for the full extension period to allow further consideration of the options available for the future delivery of this and other capabilities, from 31 March 2015 to 30 November 2015, be agreed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To ensure that:


·                Surrey Fire and Rescue Authority complies with its statutory duties under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England 2012.


·                To allow more time for various Public Service Transformation Network (PSTN) work strands to be developed which with the objective of improving inter and intra operable resilience.


·                A national independent review of firefighters terms and conditions began in October 2014 commissioned by Department for Communities and Local Government, the outcome of which may change contingency requirements as it looks at all of the current Grey Book (nationally agreed) terms and conditions of all fire-fighters. The review could make very significant recommendations i.e. in terms of the right to strike. [Adrian Thomas has been appointed as the Governments Independent Reviewer and will report back in February 2015.]


·                An opportunity to review the specification and term of a new contract is pursued.     


Report author: Malcolm Styles

Publication date: 26/11/2014

Date of decision: 25/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 25/11/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/12/2014

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