Decision details

Surrey Better Care Fund Implementation - Section 75 agreements with Clinical Commissioning Groups

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Receive an update on the work being undertaken with partners as part of the Surrey Better Care Fund;


Delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Assistant Chief Executive (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health & Wellbeing Board) to finalise and enter into legal agreements (section 75 agreements) to establish pooled fund arrangements for the Better Care Fund with each of the seven Clinical Commissioning Groups


That it be agreed to enter into section 75 agreements with seven Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), in accordance with the principles set out in the submitted report, to enable pooled funds to be established and to govern the delivery of the Surrey Better Care Fund Plan 2015/16 and for an agreed period thereafter (by the Cabinet and relevant CCG Governing Body).


Reasons for Decisions:


The Care Act 2014 requires that funds allocated to local areas for the Better Care Fund must be put into pooled budgets established under section 75 agreements. Authority is required from the County Council’s Cabinet and each CCG Governing Body to enable each organisation to enter into the section 75 agreements.

These agreements need to be in place by 1 April 2015 to allow the funds to be pooled and invested in line with the Surrey Better Care Fund plan – this will support the joint working with the Surrey CCGs and other partners to achieve better outcomes and high quality coordinated care for Surrey residents through greater integration and alignment of health and social care services.

There are six CCGs in Surrey: East Surrey CCG; Guildford & Waverley CCG; North West Surrey CCG; North East Hampshire & Farnham CCG; Surrey Downs CCG; and Surrey Heath CCG. The seventh, Windsor and Maidenhead CCG, is also included because its population crosses Surrey in a small area of North West Surrey. Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead CCG is consequently making a small contribution to the Surrey Better Care Fund but does not form part of the Surrey planning area.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Adult Social Care Select Committee or Health Scrutiny Committee]

Report author: Justin Newman

Publication date: 25/02/2015

Date of decision: 24/02/2015

Decided at meeting: 24/02/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/03/2015

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