Decision details

Request by St Anne's Catholic Primary School, Chertsey for a Planned Licensed Deficit

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Learning Decisions

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve request by St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Chertsey for a planned licensed deficit of up to £100,000 to part fund a capital building project


That the request for a planned licensed deficit of £95,000 for St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Chertsey, repayable over three years, subject to final agreement that the project is affordable when tenders are received, be approved.


Report author: David Green

Publication date: 13/12/2012

Date of decision: 13/12/2012

Decided at meeting: 13/12/2012 - Cabinet Member for Children and Learning Decisions

Accompanying Documents: