Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the use of the South Central Independent Fostering Agency Framework as an option when placing Surrey children in foster care
1. Following consideration of the available options, the results of the procurement process, and commercially sensitive information provided in the Part 2 report later in the agenda, approval be given for the Council to enter into a Partnership Agreement for the South Central Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) Framework for the provision of Foster Care placements for the period 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2021.
2. Approval be given to award subsequent call off contracts to providers named on the Framework.
3. That delegated approval be given to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Children and Families Wellbeing, to award new framework agreements and subsequent call off contracts during the life of the framework.
Reasons for Decisions:
The existing Framework will expire on 31 March 2017. In 2016 a total of 14 local authorities came together with Southampton City Council as the lead authority and a full tender process, compliant with the European Public Procurement Regulations and Procurement Standing Order has been carried out.
A decision is needed regarding whether or not Surrey County Council continues to be named as a purchaser on the new Framework.
If the Council does not participate in a Framework, it will only be able to spot purchase IFA provision or enter into Block Contracts from 1 April 2017 which potentially places the Council in breach of current procurement law (Public Contract Regulations 2015).
The forecasted spend for foster care placements with IFAs for 2016/17 is approximately £11.5m. A decision to spot purchase could see an increase in the weekly placement cost conservatively estimated at 5% (significantly more for emergency placements) and additional Council staff may need to be recruited to undertake the increase in workload associated with negotiating individual contracts and monitoring the performance of a large number of providers.
There is the potential for further reducing or avoiding costs under the new arrangements, through the use of Lot 4 (Alternative to Residential) placements and block contracts, as outlined in the Part 2 report.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview Board or the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]
Report author: James White
Publication date: 01/03/2017
Date of decision: 28/02/2017
Decided at meeting: 28/02/2017 - Cabinet
Effective from: 09/03/2017
Accompanying Documents: