Decision details

Monthly Budget Monitoring Report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the month end budget report and make any recommendations as appropriate.





That the following be noted:   

1.    Forecast revenue budget outturn for 2017/18, is £21m overspend (paragraph 1 of the submitted report). This includes:

£9m savings to be identified,

£12m savings considered unachievable in 2017/18,

£11m service demand pressures

£11m underspends and additional income.

2.    Significant risks to the revenue budget (paragraphs 38 to 42) could add £13m to the forecast overspend:

£4m in Adult Social Care

£8m in Children, Schools & Families and

£1m in Place Development & Waste

3.    Forecast planned savings for 2017/18 total £83m against £95m agreed savings and £104m target (paragraph 43 of the submitted report).

4.    The Section 151 Officer’s commentary and the Monitoring Officer’s Legal Implications commentary in paragraphs 15 to 18 of the main budget monitoring report to Cabinet that the council has a duty to ensure its expenditure does not exceed resources available and move towards a sustainable budget for future years.

5.    Cabinet will receive a recovery plan for consideration in October 2017.

The the following be approved:

6.    £18,000 draw down of Highways & Transport’s capital carry forward from 2016/17 (paragraphs 60 to 62 of the submitted report).

7.    £2.9m amendments to schools’ devolved capital budgets (paragraphs 63 to 66 of the submitted report).



Reasons for decisions


This report is presented to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval and action as necessary.

[The decisions on this item are subject to call in by the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee]


Report author: Kevin Kilburn

Publication date: 26/09/2017

Date of decision: 26/09/2017

Decided at meeting: 26/09/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/10/2017

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