Decision details

Highways Surface Dressing

Decision Maker: Head of Highways & Transport

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


 The Education service is currently supported by a collection of systems with Capita One as the largest with 16 different modules in use. In addition there are systems from Servelec Synergy, Open Objects, Welfare Call and one that has been developed in house.  These systems do not integrate or share information and are not highly regarded by users. The vision is to have a single view of a child’s record.


A procurement exercise was run under the terms of the Crown Commercial Service Data and Application Solutions framework RM3821 as a mini-competition under Lot 5b Academic Scheduling and Management Solutions. This received two bids but only one bid met the Council’s criteria and specification.



Publication date: 23/10/2019

Date of decision: 23/10/2019