Decision details

Print Services - Managed Print (MPS)- Lot 1

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This contract covers all the Council’s printing requirements from publicity and promotional material to corporate stationery and printed forms where required by the business. Apart from the corporate stationery and forms all the print requirements are bespoke material, one-offs and hugely varied in their requirements. Over the life of the previous contract the Council's print spend has being driven down through a combination of better buying through the contract and a move to digital communications, but there is still a need for printed material to communicate with residents.


The new contract is for an initial period of three (3) years and has two (2) optional two (2) year extensions.


A full OJEU procurement has been carried out and following the evaluation of the seven (7) responses received, the response from Corporate Document Services Ltd, scoring highest for both quality and price, has been identified as the most economically advantageous tender.



It was AGREED that:


Contract is awarded to Canon UK Ltd for £2.52m.

Contract duration: 1st April 2022 till 31st March 2027 (5 years with 2 extension options of 1 year each)


Reasons for the decision:

Most economically advantageous tender

Alternative options considered:

Alternative options were considered as an options appraisal which is detailed in the procurement report.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 18/11/2021

Date of decision: 18/11/2021