Decision details

Surrey Online School

Decision Maker: Director- Commissioning for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Surrey Online School (SOS) is an innovative county council service that provides an online, high-quality learning experience in a live, safeguarded environment for vulnerable children and children with additional needs countywide.

To meet the statutory obligation of the county council, Surrey Online School provide quality assured learning experiences online for vulnerable children and children with additional needs. Examples include: 

  • children with medical needs accessing live lessons at home or in hospital that assists them to continue learning and make progress when unable to attend school;  
  • complementary provision for children accessing alternative provision such as Access to Education (A2E) to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is available; 
  • children that are awaiting a school placement with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or children in care to maintain continuity of learning during periods of change and transition;   
  • school refusers access continuity and routine to become confident learners; 
  • children at risk of permanent exclusion have “time out” with the support and continuation of learning they require to maintain their school placement.  


In addition, Surrey Online School provide a successful traded service that provides a variety of packages from Key Stage 1 -4 to support school leaders to rapidly respond to children’s additional needs through an enhanced and bespoke offer. The traded offer includes a GCSE timetabled offer, a targeted GCSE offer, GCSE revision lessons, English as an Additional Language offer to non-native speaking children and an Enrichment curriculum offer.  


The contract is due to commence on 1st September 2022 and will be in place for 3 years. There is also an available extension period of 2 years (+1, +1)



To award a contract for the provision of Surrey Online School Services to Tute Education Limited.


Reasons for the decision:

Surrey County Council will be able to meet statutory duties under the Children Act 1989 and the Children and Families Act 2014 to provide services to children.


The procurement route followed is compliant with the Procurement and Contracts Regulations 2015.

Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 10/06/2022

Date of decision: 10/06/2022

Effective from: 18/06/2022