Decision Maker: Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Community Connections services are a key part of the mental health offer for adults in Surrey, and a principal element in Surrey’s preventative offer to support people with mental health needs to stay well in their communities through social connections and networks.
Contributing to system priorities around early help, resilience, and independence. It is an integral part of the pathway for people who experience mental health problems, often bridging the gap between primary mental health care and secondary mental health care.
Opportunities for individuals with mental health needs to achieve their full potential, through participation in social, leisure, sports, art, education, and employment, within their local community. These should be delivered in both group and 1:1 setting in line with the individual’s needs.
Funding will be allocated according to NHS ‘Places’, to ensure the service is available to all Surrey residents. Those places are:
1. East Surrey
2. Surrey Heath and Farnham
3. Guildford & Waverley
4. North-West Surrey
5. Surrey Downs (Mid Surrey)
It was AGREED that:
Following a competitive tendering process, the contract will be awarded to Westminster Drug Project (WDP), with a contract start of 1st October 2022 for an initial duration of 3 years, with the option to extend for a further 4 years (2+2)
This contract is based on developing best practice to assertively engage and sustain medium to long term change with those who are considered to be change or treatment resistant.
Publication date: 14/07/2022
Date of decision: 11/07/2022