Decision details

Sunbury Hub

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes




  1. That Cabinet approves the allocation of capital funding from the pipeline to the capital programme for the development of the detailed design and construction of Sunbury Hub. The funding required is commercially sensitive and is set out in the Part 2 report.


  1. That Cabinet approves procurement of an appropriate construction contractor partner for the delivery of all associated services required in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


  1. Regarding the procurement of the construction contractor, Cabinet agrees that the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Land and Property authorise and award such contracts, within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level.


Reasons for Decisions:


Approving the recommendations in this report will:

a.    Regenerate a vacant Council-owned site.

b.    Accelerate much-needed investment in Sunbury to support regeneration.

c.     Deliver a multi-purpose building that improves service delivery and the community experience.

d.    Optimise use of Council-owned assets and release other assets for Service re-use or disposal, in line with the Council’s Asset and Place Strategy.

e.    Support the Adult Social Care (ASC) transformation programme ambition to reduce the number of people with a learning disability and/or autism in residential care by 40-50% by 2025, and ensure these residents are supported in-county.

f.      Provide modern space and enable digital solutions for Services.

g.    Produce benefits which link to all of the Council’s strategic priority areas.

h.    Specifically reduce carbon emissions by using innovative technologies and smart build in the project’s design.

i.      Support the delivery of the Council’s Agile Office Estate programme.

j.      Create commercial opportunities where appropriate.

k.     Offer tangible social value to residents.


(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)



Publication date: 27/07/2022

Date of decision: 26/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 26/07/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/08/2022

Accompanying Documents: