Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
One petition was received from Peter Harman. This and the response given was as below:
We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to Introduce an 18-ton weight limit from the Junction with Brooklands Road / Wellington Way via Heath Road through to Church Street, Weybridge. Heavy lorries have caused significant damage to street furniture when they take a short cut to the M25. Residents are disturbed throughout the night by these heavy articulated lorries serving the Brooklands Estate. An advisory to route to M25 via Byfleet Road is ignored.
These roads are not designed for heavy lorries with a narrow bridge at Weybridge Station, a school and narrow streets at the junction with Church Street and High Street, Weybridge. Future road works at the A3 / M25 junction will encourage more drivers to use alternative route.
The Brooklands Estate is a locally important business park and distribution hub. It is accepted that HGV movements may cause concern for some residents, but as a highway authority we have a responsibility to ensure that legitimate businesses can successfully operate and that any proposed changes to the highway network do not have a negative impact elsewhere.
The B374 Brooklands Road is classified as part of the Surrey Priority One (SPN1) network, meaning that it is maintained to facilitate the movement of all vehicles, including HGVs. There are existing signs at the junction of Wellington Way and Brooklands Road directing vehicles in excess of 16.5 tonnes to join M25 at junction 10. While some HGVs may ignore these and use Brooklands Road (and subsequent roads) to join the M25 at junction 11, some will be going to other destinations, such as heading north on the A317 (another SPN 1 road). For these reasons there are no plans at this time to introduce a weight restriction.
Tim Oliver, Member for Weybridge, spoke in support of the petition.
It was agreed to continue to review the situation.
Publication date: 21/12/2022
Date of decision: 20/12/2022
Decided at meeting: 20/12/2022 - Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions
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