Decision details

Amendment to Waste Contract between Surrey County Council and SITA Surrey

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Following approval of the Waste Disposal Authority action plan on 24 April 2012; revision of the waste strategy; update to Cabinet on 26 March 2013 on proposal to deliver the Eco Park; and other developments Cabinet to:

·         approve the waste solution and

·         reconfirm the decision made on 14 March 2011 and provide necessary legal and financial approvals to enable the Waste Contract to be amended to deliver the waste solution, including an Eco Park.


Part 2 annex



1.       Having received an update on technology and been notified of the proposed contractors, that the technology changes be approved.


2.       Officers continue to progress work to vary the Waste Contract between Surrey County Council and SITA Surrey to reflect the changes necessary to deliver the proposed waste solutions. A further detailed report for final approval (including value for money, affordability considerations and evidence of DEFRA’s approval) be presented to the Cabinet meeting on 23 July 2013.


3.       That the release of a Voluntary Transparency Notice announcing the Council’s intention to enter into a contract variation be approved.


Reasons for Decisions


The recommendations are necessary to provide proper authority to:


(1)     Deliver the Eco Park which represents a corporate priority for the Council.


(2)     Provide assurance to contractual and funding partners to the Council.


(3)     Demonstrate commitment to use of best available, most appropriate technologies in terms of efficiency and environmental impact.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]

Report author: Ian Boast

Publication date: 25/06/2013

Date of decision: 25/06/2013

Decided at meeting: 25/06/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/07/2013

Accompanying Documents: