Issue - meetings

Property Transactions

Meeting: 26/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 161)

Property Transactions

Exempt: Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


[The decisions on this item are subject to call in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]

Additional documents:




The Cabinet is asked to authorise the sale of land, as set out in the submitted report, following a marketing exercise and negotiations with adjoining owners and developers.


Reasons for decisions


The land is no longer required to support service delivery or capable of generating a significant income.  The capital receipt will contribute to the funding sources available to the Council in support of its delivery of services to its residents.


[The decisions on this item are subject to call in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]




The report was introduced by Mr Tim Oliver who informed Cabinet that they were asked to approve a property disposal. He advised that a late bid had been received for the property but on balance it was felt that the original offer as contained within the recommendation within the report was the preferable option.




The Cabinet is asked to authorise the sale of land, as set out in the submitted report, following a marketing exercise and negotiations with adjoining owners and developers.


Reasons for decisions


The land is no longer required to support service delivery or capable of generating a significant income.  The capital receipt will contribute to the funding sources available to the Council in support of its delivery of services to its residents.