Issue - meetings

Contract award for Joint Venture Development Partner

Meeting: 14/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 227)

Contract award for Joint Venture Development Partner

This is the Part 2 annex relating to item 9.


Exempt: Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


[The decisions on this item are subject to call in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]


Additional documents:




That the information within the Part 2 report be noted, in conjunction with the recommendations made in the Part 1 report (item 9).


Reasons for Decisions:


See Minute 221/17.


[The decisions on this item are subject to call in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]



Mrs Hazel Watson spoke to this item and asked when the various agreement would be available.  She also stated that this was a complicated arrangement which would cause confusion and a lack of transparency. 


The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services replied that advice would be sought from the Monitoring Officer regarding the release of agreements.  He also denied that the operation process with its various checks and balance was complicated and stated that the agreement could be terminated with six months’ notice.




That the information within the Part 2 report be noted, in conjunction with the recommendations made in the Part 1 report (item 9).


Reasons for Decisions:


See Minute 221/17.


[The decisions on this item are subject to call in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]