Issue - meetings

Revised Public Rights of Way Priority Statement

Meeting: 21/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 215)

215 Rights of Way Priority Statement pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To approve the revised Rights of Way Priority Statement, annexed to this report.


The Rights of Way Priority Statement sets out how the County Council prioritises and sets targets for undertaking legal orders associated with keeping the definitive map of public rights of way up to date.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


Additional documents:



The revised Rights of Way Priority Statement be approved by the Cabinet and recommended to Council for approval.



Reasons for Decision:


The revision alters the document to better reflect the Council’s statutory duties, address public safety issues and maximise opportunities to improve the rights of way network.


[The decision on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning introduced the revised Rights of Way Priority Statement set out as an annex within the submitted report.


He explained that the Rights of Way Priority Statement set out how the County Council prioritises and sets targets for undertaking legal orders associated with keeping the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way in Surrey up to date.


He thanked the officers involved in this area of work and explained that the changes set out will benefit Surrey residents and landowners. He referred to the equality impact assessment (annex B of the submitted report) and commented that although this was set out in the old format and dated 2009, what was included was relevant but he had asked officers to update the EIA going forward.





The revised Rights of Way Priority Statement be approved by the Cabinet and recommended to Council for approval.



Reasons for Decisions:


The revision alters the document to better reflect the Council’s statutory duties, address public safety issues and maximise opportunities to improve the rights of way network.