Issue - meetings

Woking Magistrates Court Conversion to Coroner's Court

Meeting: 27/05/2014 - Cabinet (Item 115)

Woking Magistrates Court Conversion to Coroner's Court

Additional documents:


1.         That the additional capital investment, as detailed in the part 2 report, to provide fit and proper accommodation for the Coronial Service, be approved.


2.         The award of the contract and commencement of construction works for the fit out of Woking Magistrates’ Court, subject to the appropriate procurement procedures, be approved.


Reason for Decisions:


The additional investment is required because an opportunity to create a second Jury Court, which could generate an income, has been identified.  In addition, the original estimates did not include the full requirement for extensive audio/visual equipment within the courts, or include the costs associated with the necessity to have both SCC and Surrey Police networks within the building.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Communities Select Committee]





1.         That the additional capital investment, as detailed in the part 2 report, to provide fit and proper accommodation for the Coronial Service, be approved.


2.         The award of the contract and commencement of construction works for the fit out of Woking Magistrates’ Court, subject to the appropriate procurement procedures, be approved.


Reason for Decisions:


The additional investment is required because an opportunity to create a second Jury Court, which could generate an income, has been identified.  In addition, the original estimates did not include the full requirement for extensive audio/visual equipment within the courts, or include the costs associated with the necessity to have both SCC and Surrey Police networks within the building.