Future Public Health Contract Arrangements within the NHS
Surrey County Council (SCC) has inherited a public health contract with Virgin Care Services (VCS) for sexual health, substance misuse, mental health and school nursing that we are now seeking to vary with the lead commissioner North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (NWS CCG). This will improve the quality of the services provided to Surrey residents by the re-negotiation of the contract.
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[The decisions on this item can be called in either by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Adult Social Care Committee]
Additional documents:
That option 1, to remain an associate commissioner on the Virgin Care Services (VCS) NHS contract led by North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (NWS CCG) be agreed and the proposed variation be signed.
Reasons for Decisions:
There are 3 options for the Cabinet to consider:
· Option 1 - The Council agree to the proposed variation
· Option 2 - The Council continue as a party to the contract but on the original contract terms
· Option 3 - The Council withdraw from the contract altogether
The proposed variation will strengthen contractual arrangements and offer significant benefits to both patients and commissioners. In addition it secures best value for money reasonably available as a result of negotiation. SCC will receive greatest benefit for their commissioned services by remaining an associate commissioner of the National Health Service (NHS) contract as well as maintaining good relationships with CCGs at a critical time in the development of the BCF and PSTN.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]
In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health and Well Being Board, the Cabinet Member for Children and Families presented this report, she said that the County Council had inherited a public health contract with Virgin Care Services (VCS) for sexual health, substance misuse, mental health and school nursing and was now seeking to confirm arrangements going forward with the Lead Commissioner North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group. This would improve the quality of the services provided to Surrey residents by the re-negotiation of the contract. The Cabinet is being asked to consider three options, with the preferred option being to sign up to the contract as an associate.
She also drew Cabinet’s attention to both the risk implications and the Section 151 officer commentary, as set out in the report.
That option 1, to remain an associate commissioner on the Virgin Care Services (VCS) NHS contract led by North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (NWS CCG) be agreed.
Reasons for Decisions:
The proposed option would strengthen contractual arrangements and offer significant benefits to both patients and commissioners. In addition, it secures best value for money reasonably available as a result of negotiation. SCC would receive greatest benefit for their commissioned services by remaining an associate commissioner of the National Health Service (NHS) contract as well as maintaining good relationships with CCGs at a critical time in the development of the Better Care Fund and Public Service Transformation Network.