Approval to award contracts for the provision of an integrated offender intervention service and a medical and psychological treatment for drugs and alcohol
This is a Part 2 report relating to item 15.
Exempt: Not for publication under Paragraph 3
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the contract for the provision of the Integrated Offender Intervention Service be awarded to Crime Reduction Initiative at the value, set out in the submitted report.
2. That the contract for the provision of the Medical and Psychological Treatment Service for Drugs and Alcohol be awarded to Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust at the value, set out in the submitted report.
The prices for both contracts are fixed for the 3 year duration of the contracts.
Reasons for Decisions:
1. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation (Part B) and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed. The recommendation demonstrates that best value for money for the Council will be delivered following a detailed evaluation process.
2. The new service will deliver enhanced benefits through a strengthened outcome focused service specification at a reduced cost. The savings have been achieved by undertaking a competitive tender exercise benefitting from efficiencies.
3. The competitive procurement process demonstrates that this is the market rate to deliver the specified service as the three financial bids were close in value.
4. The financial model for the Medical and Psychological Treatment Service for Drugs and Alcohol incorporates an incentive payment mechanism to encourage a) quality and innovation and b) to achieve the desired recovery outcomes. The model will award an additional 5% of the fixed contract price split as follows: 3% against quality and innovation and 2% against improvement targeted Key Performance Indicator Measures.
5. The key performance indicators will be jointly agreed at the start of the contract based on existing numbers of individuals accessing the service and national indicators published by Public Health England.
6 The tender process was undertaken using an open process. A pre-qualification process was included within the process to ensure suppliers were able to demonstrate sound business standing prior to proceeding to evaluation of the bids.
7 There are currently two service providers providing the Integrated Offender Intervention Services in Surrey, one being the successful bidder. As a result, staff from Surrey and Sussex Probation Service will transfer by operation of TUPE to Crime Reduction Initiatives. Transition planning between new provider and the outgoing provider has been built into the tendering process to enable a smooth transfer.
8 Staff from the existing Medical and Psychological Treatment Service for Drugs and Alcohol will continue to be delivered by Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health and Wellbeing Board confirmed that this report contained the commercial details relating to awarding the contracts for the provision of an integrated offender intervention service and a medical and psychological treatment centre for drugs and alcohol.
1. That the contract for the provision of the Integrated Offender Intervention Service be awarded to Crime Reduction Initiative at the value, set out in the submitted report.
2. That the contract for the provision of the Medical and Psychological Treatment Service for Drugs and Alcohol be awarded to Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust at the value, set out in the submitted report.
The prices for both contracts are fixed for the 3 year duration of the contracts.
Reasons for Decisions:
1. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation (Part B) and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed. The recommendation demonstrates that best value for money for the Council will be delivered following a detailed evaluation process.
2. The new service will deliver enhanced benefits through a strengthened outcome focused service specification at a reduced cost. The savings have been achieved by undertaking a competitive tender exercise benefitting from efficiencies.
3. The competitive procurement process demonstrates that this is the market rate to deliver the specified service as the three financial bids were close in value.
4. The financial model for the Medical and Psychological Treatment Service for Drugs and Alcohol incorporates an incentive payment mechanism to encourage a) quality and innovation and b) to achieve the desired recovery outcomes. The model will award an additional 5% of the fixed contract price split as follows: 3% against quality and innovation and 2% against improvement targeted Key Performance Indicator Measures.
5. The key performance indicators will be jointly agreed at the start of the contract based on existing numbers of individuals accessing the service and national indicators published by Public Health England.
6 The tender process was undertaken using an open process. A pre-qualification process was included within the process to ensure suppliers were able to demonstrate sound business standing prior to proceeding to evaluation of the bids.
7 There are currently two service providers providing the Integrated Offender Intervention Services in Surrey, one being the successful bidder. As a result, staff from Surrey and Sussex Probation Service will transfer by operation of TUPE to Crime Reduction Initiatives. Transition planning between new provider and the outgoing provider has been built into the tendering process to enable a smooth transfer.
8 Staff from the existing Medical and Psychological Treatment Service for Drugs and Alcohol will continue to be delivered by Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust.