213 Surrey Schools' Funding Formula 2015/16 PDF 112 KB
Schools are funded on the basis of a formula determined by each local authority within parameters set by the Department for Education (DfE). This paper sets out the recommended formula for the funding of Surrey schools in 2015/16. It follows the annual consultation with all schools during September and the Schools Forum on 1 October 2014.
Schools and many school support services are funded by Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). This report is limited to consideration of the schools’ funding formula in order to meet deadlines for the submission of the council’s formula to the DfE by 31 October 2014. Other services funded by DSG will be considered as part of the council’s budget planning process.
This is necessarily a technical report as it seeks Cabinet approval for the proposed funding mechanisms and values of key formula factors through which Surrey schools will be funded in 2015/16. This detail is essential for the continued education of Surrey children.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. The funding formula for Surrey schools be prepared on the basis of a £10m transfer within Dedicated Schools Grant from Schools to High Needs -principally to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
2. The commitment to a long term resolution of funding pressures in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) be noted, with the Cabinet to receive a report on progress in February 2015.
3. The revisions to the schools’ funding formula, as recommended by the Schools Forum and set out in paragraph 21 of the submitted report, be introduced.
4 The proposed Surrey formula factors as set out in Annex 2 of the submitted report be approved for submission to the DfE by the 31 October deadline.
5 Authority is delegated to the Assistant Director, Schools & Learning, in conjunction with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Schools & Learning, to update and amend the formula as appropriate following receipt of the DSG settlement and DfE pupil data in December 2014. This is to ensure that total allocations to schools under this formula remain affordable within the council’s DSG settlement to be announced during December.
Reasons for Decisions:
To comply with DfE regulations requiring notification of the Council’s funding formula for schools by 31 October 2014.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
Schools were funded on the basis of a formula determined by each local authority within parameters set by the Department for Education (DfE). Following annual consultation with all school during September and the Schools Forum on 1 October 2014, the report set out the recommended formula for the funding of Surrey schools in 2015/16.
The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning began by thanking officers for their work and then explained that the submitted report was necessarily a technical report seeking approval for the proposed funding mechanisms and values of key formula factors through which Surrey schools would be funded in 2015/16.
Schools and many school support services are funded by Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and were split into three categories of educational provision. The report recommended that a transfer of £10 million was made from Schools to High Needs to support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and this was a key piece of work.
She went on to say that the report set out the recommendations from the Schools Forum (Annex 2 of the submitted report) and that the Council was required to submit its proposed schools’ funding formula to the Education Funding Agency by 31 October 2014. The equalities impact assessment (annex 3 of the submitted report) was referred to.
The Leader of the Council considered that this was the result of the good work done over a number of years by a number of Members and officers.
1. The funding formula for Surrey schools be prepared on the basis of a £10m transfer within Dedicated Schools Grant from Schools to High Needs -principally to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
2. The commitment to a long term resolution of funding pressures in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) be noted, with the Cabinet to receive a report on progress in February 2015.
3. The revisions to the schools’ funding formula, as recommended by the Schools Forum and set out in paragraph 21 of the submitted report, be introduced.
4 The proposed Surrey formula factors as set out in Annex 2 of the submitted report be approved for submission to the DfE by the 31 October deadline.
5 Authority is delegated to the Assistant Director, Schools & Learning, in conjunction with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Schools & Learning, to update and amend the formula as appropriate following receipt of the DSG settlement and DfE pupil data in December 2014. This is to ensure that total allocations to schools under this formula remain affordable within the council’s DSG settlement to be announced during December.
Reasons for Decisions:
To comply with DfE regulations requiring notification of the Council’s funding formula for schools by 31 October 2014.