Issue - meetings

Badgers Wood Surrey County Council Residential home

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 188)

188 Badgers Wood Surrey County Council Residential home pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Badgers Wood is a Surrey County Council in-house residential care home for people with learning disabilities (PLD).


At its July 2014 meeting Cabinet agreed that a consultation on the future of the home be undertaken, with the preferred option that the home be closed and new services sourced for the individuals supported by the home.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]


Additional documents:



That Badgers Wood residential care home closes and the residents are supported to move to appropriate alternatives.


Reasons for decisions:


As previously reported to Cabinet, Badgers Wood residential care home has a number of issues related to the physical structure of the property, a high and increasing vacancy rate, no new referrals to the home for at least 5 years combined with changes in service users’ expectations.


During the consultation no objections to the preferred option of closing Badgers Wood residential home were raised.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]




At its July 2014 meeting, Cabinet agreed that a consultation on the future of the Badgers Wood residential home be undertaken, with the preferred option that the home be closed and new services sourced for the individuals supported by the home.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said that this report provided Cabinet with details of the consultation process, as set out in Annex A to the submitted report and that an EIA had been developed for the proposal to close the home. This was attached as Annex B. He confirmed that local Members and Philip Hammond, the local MP had been informed. He also thanked officers, and in particular Philippa Alisiroglu, for their work.


In summary, he said that no one had raised an objection to the proposal that the home should close and he commended the recommendation to Cabinet.




That Badgers Wood residential care home closes and the residents are supported to move to appropriate alternatives.


Reasons for decisions:


As previously reported to Cabinet, Badgers Wood residential care home has a number of issues related to the physical structure of the property, a high and increasing vacancy rate, no new referrals to the home for at least 5 years combined with changes in service users’ expectations.


During the consultation no objections to the preferred option of closing Badgers Wood residential home were raised.