Issue - meetings

Gatwick Diamond Site

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 197)

Gatwick Diamond Site - Progression to Planning and Contract Tender

Cabinet is requested to authorise the funding of a planning application and submission of tender documentation.


Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Additional documents:


1.         Property Services be instructed to progress and submit a detailed planning application, in line with the masterplan attached as Annex 1 to the submitted report, to Crawley Borough Council to enable the construction and development of part of the 10 acre site, which will include a SECAmb dispatch and control centre with Headquarter offices as phase 1 with an estimated cost for design fees and planning application fees, as set out in the submitted report.

2.         Property Services commence the contractor selection programme, with construction contracts to be awarded at SCC’s risk pending receipt of planning approval.

3.         Property Services progress the negotiation of commercial terms with SECAmb to agree tenancy arrangements, subject to planning approval.

4.         Approval be delegated (i) to proceed to the construction for Phase 1 of the project  and  (ii) to enter into an agreement for and a lease with SECAmb,  to the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business Services, subject to the following pre-conditions; receipt of full planning consent, confirmation that agreed contracts do not exceed a total project cost estimate as set out in the submitted report and confirmation from the Chief Property Officer that  terms  agreed with SECAmb comply with S123 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Reasons for Decisions:


To allow Surrey County Council to:

·                Secure the release of the accommodation currently occupied by SECAmb at The Horseshoe, Banstead to enable a fire station to be constructed to serve the Burgh Heath area with wider regeneration and reconfiguration opportunities.

·                Secure planning consent of a master planned site appropriate in scale for the long term needs of SECAmb and with potential for other public services to be accommodated in any future joint strategic partnership for a combined dispatch and control / call centre or shared office accommodation as part of the Public Service Transformation Network (PSTN).

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Business Services informed Cabinet that by authorising the funding of this planning application and submission of tender documentation in respect of this site in Crawley would enable the development of a South East Coast Ambulance (SECAmb) Headquarters and associated infrastructure. She also drew attention to the financial appraisal and risks as set out in Annex 2 of the submitted report and confirmed that both the Cabinet Associates for Fire and Polices Services and Assets and Regeneration had been consulted on the report.




1.         Property Services be instructed to progress and submit a detailed planning application, in line with the masterplan attached as Annex 1 to the submitted report, to Crawley Borough Council to enable the construction and development of part of the 10 acre site, which will include a SECAmb dispatch and control centre with Headquarter offices as phase 1 with an estimated cost for design fees and planning application fees, as set out in the submitted report.

2.         Property Services commence the contractor selection programme, with construction contracts to be awarded at SCC’s risk pending receipt of planning approval.

3.         Property Services progress the negotiation of commercial terms with SECAmb to agree tenancy arrangements, subject to planning approval.

4.         Approval be delegated (i) to proceed to the construction for Phase 1 of the project  and  (ii) to enter into an agreement for and a lease with SECAmb,  to the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business Services, subject to the following pre-conditions; receipt of full planning consent, confirmation that agreed contracts do not exceed a total project cost estimate as set out in the submitted report and confirmation from the Chief Property Officer that  terms  agreed with SECAmb comply with S123 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Reasons for Decisions:


To allow Surrey County Council to:

·                Secure the release of the accommodation currently occupied by SECAmb at The Horseshoe, Banstead to enable a fire station to be constructed to serve the Burgh Heath area with wider regeneration and reconfiguration opportunities.

·                Secure planning consent of a master planned site appropriate in scale for the long term needs of SECAmb and with potential for other public services to be accommodated in any future joint strategic partnership for a combined dispatch and control / call centre or shared office accommodation as part of the Public Service Transformation Network (PSTN).