Issue - meetings

Models of Delivery - options appraisal

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 192)

192 Models of Delivery - options appraisal pdf icon PDF 61 KB

The Council has identified the potential to generate income and secure efficiencies by delivering fire training and other associated services to a range of organisations. The Cabinet is asked to support this opportunity and agree that the Council seeks a commercial partner who can provide the necessary additional capacity and capability to enter into new markets in order to maximise the benefits of the current and future opportunities.  


Once a successful partner is identified, a collaborative agreement will be put in place to allow the organisations to work together to jointly bid for upcoming training contracts and other relevant activities.  If these bids result in a contract or contracts being awarded, a further report will come to Cabinet for decision on the most appropriate delivery model, e.g. a joint venture. 


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Communities Select Committee]


Additional documents:


1.       That a commercial partner be sought for the delivery of training (including fire training) services to third parties and other relevant activities as stated in Option 3, paragraph 10 of the submitted report.


2.       That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Business Services, following an appropriate procurement exercise and, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Business Services and Cabinet Member for Community Services, to enter into a collaborative agreement with the successful commercial partner.


Reasons for Decisions:   


The Council has identified the potential to generate income by delivering training, including fire training, services and potentially other relevant activities to a range of organisations and wishes to pursue this opportunity.  The Cabinet is asked to support this approach and agree that, through a procurement process, the Council seeks a commercial partner for the delivery of these activities and enters into a collaborative agreement with the successful partner to jointly pursue work in this area.   


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Communities Select Committee]



In presenting this report to Cabinet, the Cabinet Member for Business Services said that the Council had identified the potential to generate income and secure efficiencies by delivering fire training and other associated services to a range of organisations.


The Cabinet Member for Community Services said that option 3 was the preferred option, as set out in the report. She also said that currently, it was not necessary to provide an EIA because there were no proposals for Cabinet to consider, however, this decision would be kept under constant review.




1.       That a commercial partner be sought for the delivery of training (including fire training) services to third parties and other relevant activities as stated in Option 3, paragraph 10 of the submitted report.


2.       That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Business Services, following an appropriate procurement exercise and, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Business Services and Cabinet Member for Community Services, to enter into a collaborative agreement with the successful commercial partner.


Reasons for Decisions:   


The Council has identified the potential to generate income by delivering training, including fire training, services and potentially other relevant activities to a range of organisations and wishes to pursue this opportunity.  The Cabinet is asked to support this approach and agree that, through a procurement process, the Council seeks a commercial partner for the delivery of these activities and enters into a collaborative agreement with the successful partner to jointly pursue work in this area.